Along with a couple new features, this update brings a ton of minor improvements and bug fixes. Some of these have been active for a while, but some are just debuting today.
The first new feature I'd like to highlight is the ability to use transparent backgrounds and background images with transparencies on your games.
Second, the "Scaling Factor" feature (basically the zoom level of your game room) has been completely reworked, and can now optionally be applied to ALL devices,
not just mobile and low-resolution devices.
This feature can be found under the "Layout" tab. By the way, if your gameroom suddenly looks smaller or larger than it used to on your TV or other device, and you don't
want that, then try adjusting this setting. If you're still having issues, please contact me and we'll figure it out!
Other improvements rolled out since the last update include:
Game Backgrounds and Gameroom Backgrounds now support animated GIFs, up to 4 megabytes per image.
The Game Preview on the Settings screen will now accurately reflect your gameroom background image, color, transparency settings, and game spacing options.
The iScored Discord Bot now accepts commands via Direct Message. Any command that is normally given by mentioning it in a channel will now work via Direct Message as well.
Mobile devices (such as tablets and phones) will no longer display their default on-screen keyboard when using iScored's built in keyboards and number pads.
Added a "Default Blank Game Settings" style to the Community Styles list.
When entering a score with an image on a phone, the player can now drag the photo around to see the entire image.
Fixed a bug where commas weren't automatically inserted into scores when inputed using the iScored on-screen number pad.
Fixed a bug involving double-quotes in Event names.
Fixed a bug where Custom Global CSS Stylings were being applied to the Overall Leaders column.
Fixed a bug where the same gameroom could be registered to the same Discord channel more than once.
Fixed a bug where Events were not displaying correctly from the Public Score Entry version of the gameroom.
Fixed a bug where Event scores were not recording correctly if Admin Approval was enabled.
Fixed a bug where scores submitted through the API were being rejected if there was already a better score for that player on that game.
Fixed a bug where the "Rank Method" dropdown on the Settings screen wasn't defaulting to the correct item for some users.
Fixed a bug where the Discord bot was sometimes reporting the wrong rank for new scores.
Fixed a bug where double-quotes were causing an issue in Custom Banner Styles.
Fixed a bug where the navigation menu could be pushed off the Settings screen in certain situations.
Here is a typical iScored game room (this one is for the current high scores for the Monday Night League at CarPool Bar in Arlington, Virginia -- stop by some time!)
This gameroom is operating in "Public Mode", meaning you can view scores, and you can tap on names
to see a list of all the high scores for that person, but you cannot enter new scores or modify existing ones.
The screen automatically scrolls side to side if you don't do anything for a few seconds.
You can make it full-screen by hitting F11 on a Mac or PC (or using the fullscreen button on your browser). By the way, there are easy ways to launch it in fullscreen mode automatically, and it's designed to be touchscreen-compatible, if you're thinking of setting it up as a kiosk in your game room.