Over the last year, iScored player participation has grown tremendously. The average size of gamerooms has ballooned, both in number of games and number of
scores per game. iScored usage is expanding rapidly by every metric:
As a result, iScored's server has been bumping up against its various resource limits,
and many devices were struggling to render larger gamerooms. To try to remedy these growing problems, this update constitutes a complete backend rewrite, as
well as major refactoring of the front end gameroom rendering code. This massive effort will improve performance both server and client side,
and make updates and debugging far easier for myself. There may be a few more rounds of optimization coming, as I analyze the data from this release.
Since such a huge percentage of the code is new, there will probably be some kinks to work out. Please bear with me, but trust that this refactoring should make
iScored far less buggy in the long run.
From your perspective, there aren't really a ton of changes to get excited for in this release, but there are a few things you might notice:
Major performance improvements for page load and scrolling.
Improved stability on mobile devices (phone browsers shouldn't crash, regardless of gameroom size)
Idle scroller now scrolls through the entire gameroom, even when paging is enabled.
While idle, iScored will now reload the page if a new code version is available.
Scores can now be deleted from mobile devices, provided you are logged in and viewing your own leaderboard.
Idle Scroll Method options have been simplified -- the three available methods are now "Infinite Scroll", "Swing", and "Basic".
Fixed a bug in the Competition column where scores other than each player's top score were being used in calculations for themself and others.
fixed a bug where Idle Scroll Delay setting was resetting to 10 seconds.
fixed a bug where 11th place was displayed as "11st".
For developers: The format of the returned JSON for the API method "getAllScores" has changed.
Here is a typical iScored game room (this one is for the current
high scores for the Monday Night League at CarPool Bar in
Arlington, Virginia -- stop by some time!)
This gameroom is operating in "Public Mode", meaning you can
view scores, and you can tap on names to see a list of all the high
scores for that person, but you cannot enter new scores or modify
existing ones.
The screen automatically scrolls side to side if you don't do
anything for a few seconds.
You can make it full-screen by hitting F11 on a Mac or PC (or
using the fullscreen button on your browser). By the way, there are
easy ways to launch it in fullscreen mode automatically, and it's
designed to be touchscreen-compatible, if you're thinking of
setting it up as a kiosk in your game room.