iScored HQ Matchplay Tournament Spring 2025

Saturday, April 12th, 2025
Doors at 11am, tournament starts at noon.

Bristow, Virginia

Ten rounds of group matchplay qualifying (groups of four).   7/5/3/1 scoring, no one gets knocked out!   You are guaranteed ten rounds of pinball action.   Balanced pairing (you'll get to play almost everyone once!)   Top eight after ten rounds make finals.   Finals 4/2/1/0 scoring, three games in each round, two groups of four, top two advance from each group.   This tournament is capped at 48 players.

Jurassic Park (Stern Premium)
Bram Stoker's Dracula
Hot Wheels
Weird Al's Museum of Natural Hilarity
Elvira's House of Horrors (40th Anniversary Edition)
Star Trek: The Next Generation
Total Nuclear Annihilation
Black Hole
Godzilla (Stern Pro)
Monster Bash
Scooby Doo
Transporter: The Rescue (from the PAPA collection)
Deadpool (Pro)
Casino (1972 Chicago Coin)
Wizard of Oz
... and at least one more TBD!

Event Details:
The backyard will have plenty of space to lay down a blanket or set up lawn chairs.   There will also be a 10' by 15' canopy tent for shade, as well as a raised deck providing additional shade or seating.   Water and soda will be provided, as well as grazing food, snacks and munchies throughout the day.   Pizza will be delivered around dinner time.   Feel free to bring your own food or beverages of choice of course!   Lawn chairs are recommended.   Additional canopies are appreciated as well.


Registration opens on Sunday, March 16th, at noon Eastern time. Fee is $30 payable via PayPal or credit/debit card. The breakdown is $15 food, $14 prize pool, and 1 dollar IFPA fee. Roster is limited to 48 players.

IMPORTANT NOTES: "Register and Pay" button will not function until noon on Sunday, March 16th.   There is no need to refresh this page - the "Register and Pay" button will begin working at noon with or without a page refresh.   Upon registration, you will be forwarded to the payment screen, at which point your roster spot is secure for the next 15 minutes, so you do not need to race through the payment process.   Upon payment, your roster spot is confirmed.



If the roster is full, fill out the form below to be added to the waitlist.   The waitlist does not require payment.   If a roster spot opens up, you will be contacted, at which point payment will be required before being added to the Tournament Roster.  


Full refunds will be granted upon request up until Saturday, April 5th -- one week before the start of the tournament.

Being able to predict tournament attendence is important for many reasons, including food budget and making sure we can maximize the number of people who get to play and the amount of WPPRs all participants receive.   For these reasons, refunds may be denied at the discretion of the host if cancellation occurs less than one week prior to the tournament.


If you need to cancel, or if you have any other questions or concerns, please send an email to